
參加香港大學有關「放狗跟主人健康」的研究 Participate a reserach study "The health-related benefits of dog walking" from Hong Kong University


這項研究包括完成一份問卷、連續7日配帶活動紀錄儀及放狗時配帶一部衛星紀錄儀。完成後每位參加者可獲得現金作為報酬(準狗主HK$300、狗主HK$200) 和得到一份活動紀錄報告,報告會列出每位參加者每天基本需要卡路里,配帶活動紀錄儀的日子因為運動而消耗的卡路里。


如有查詢,請聯絡周小姐,電郵 joycecly@hku.hk 或電話95886961,或瀏覽http://dogwalk.hku.hk/index_C.html

The University of Hong Kong is conducting a research study to investigate the health benefit of dog-ownership. We need a large amount of dog-owners and future dog-owners.

The study includes completing a questionnaire, wearing a physical activity recorder for 7 days and carrying a GPS device during dog walking. Each participant will receive cash as reward (future dog-owner: HK$300, dog-owner: HK$200) and a physical activity report. The report will show the basal calorie needed for each participant as well as calorie expenditure each day they wear the physical activity recorder.
As future dog-owner is required to complete the procedure once before and twice after they own a dog, the reward is higher.
Please contact the person in charge (stated below) early if you want to take part in for better arrangement.

Please feel free to contact Joyce Chow by email: joycecly@hku.hk or mobile 95886961 or visit the website http://dogwalk.hku.hk/

